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Friday, September 18, 2009

Stumbleing on....

Now remind you that things just didnt happen all at ounce with my jorney after i started to see 11 more and more this went on for for some time and it still goes on now with seeing 11, but i just have a differant and better understanding about it. The next thing that happened and this was a few mouths ahead was when i was at one of my friends house and he was like, hey, have you ever seen Zeitgeist - The Movie? No, i replied, What?, Really?,he said with a surpriseing look on his face. Apperantly i was out of the loop in many ways with what was suposeily going on so we whatched it. I was very surprised at that time indeed with what i found and this really got the gears turning about alot of things... like religon and some of the views on it, a differant look on what might of happened on 9\11, and the elite rockafeller group that was supposily running the show behind the iron curtains. I thought about this for quitte some time after and i just let it be because it was alot to handle at this time in my life, but as a little more time went on i showed it to one of my other friends and that friend showed it to one of his friends and than i just happened to become his friend and this is where ill started again. After he watched it and i rewatched it with him the gears started turning again.. and more of what was said just started taking more of a hold on me and my friend really didnt know how to handle it at first ether, maybe even a bit less than me. So we started reaserching it. And this lead us and many different ways, but for now well just stay on this movie path. We started looking into the first part which now as I look back on was a smaller truth than I know now with this just having bits of truth in it but still I think is a good starting zone for people that are on there own jorney for truth. The other two parts where just shocking and we just started feeling and getting more down on our selfs cuz we just felt like there was nothing we could do to stop it, if this is what is really going on in this world. A negitive aspect started to seep in and this started leading us to more things like 2012 which ill be talking about later in this blog, but I think back on this now and realize the the negitve aspect of what we where finding is nesesary as long as you dont let it get the best of us and to try and stay positve because without the negitive there can be no positve. You need the two to work together. So we didnt let this finding take us down like a sinking ship getting ready to jump over borad on, we started to say there has to be a better way and another side, a positve one.

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine experiences the same thing with always seeing the numbers 9 and 11, I always told him he was just over thinking it, but now that I learn obviously he isn't. It's good you have such a positive outlook at the end of everything, keep it up.
