Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true, as stated from Wikipedia. I believe there is no absolute truth only a high understanding of the truth. If you believe something to be absolutely true than there cannot be anything higher for you and that’s where you will stay. So you could say there is an absolute truth in a person’s currant understanding of what they currently believe, but in doing so I think they are hindering there true potential in what a higher truth can be, potentially slowing a person’s spiritual evolution.
I use to come from a back ground where I had more questions than answers, so many things that I was taught to believe and so I would just except these things like any child would, even though a lot of it was confusing to me. So one day there was a series of events that lead me to begin to look for answers. I began to ask questions that, in my currant belief at the time where thought to be bad to even ask them. Things like, why if someone doesn’t believe in a certain person they will go straight to hell, no questions asked. I began to do my own research into the truth and learned to keep an open mind about things I would come across. I learned to use the key of knowledge which is my own intuition to try and figure out if something had truth in it or not. I learned to do that through listening to my feeling and analyzing them to see what felt good or not. I came across two things that helped me to discern what was bad, these two where fear and manipulation to get control. How does someone want to try and control you? Well by putting fear in you or by trying to manipulate you. You cannot prove what will happen to you when you move on from this life, so someone can than tell you if you don’t believe in a certain idea than you will go to a place of punishment. Well what are they trying to do there? There trying to put fear into you by manipulating you to their belief so they can have control over you. And this is sad because some people don’t even know that they are doing this, there just following a belief that was passed down and taught to them to be true. By having control, they can then make you believe and do anything they want you to, through repetition. And what would they say to you to keep their grip on you? Well, by putting gilt into your heart that you are a bad person and if you don’t do what they say that is in their belief, you will go somewhere you do not want to go when you die. I think that is wrong and I also think if you try and force a belief or anything for that matter onto someone it is wrong. We should have control over our own life because it is our birth right. Newton’s law states: to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I think this is true even to one’s actions so if they keep on doing something bad and thinking negative thoughts and not trying to change them, then that’s what will manifest in their life. Some currant beliefs try to give you a blank check in a sense by saying: o just if you believe in what we believe than you don’t haft to worry about anything you do, because you are automatically taken care of. Just as long as we can tell you that your bad and you give us money so we can keep telling you your bad and you will be fine just as long you do what our belief say to do. I think you half to take responsibility for your own actions otherwise they will come back to you tenfold if not in this life but the next.
I believe a person’s belief is their own and my belief is mine. I believe everyone has a choice, though the gift of free will, to try and understand what is true to them. You shouldn’t be always thinking where you will end up, instead it is the journey on how you got there that matters most and by staying positive in your journey for a higher truth, the end result will be good for you. The goal is the journey. If you just went to the end where would you go then?
I now look and see how many things in this world have similarities to them dealing with growth, not just physically but spiritually as well. It makes more since to me now that I can pick out on these things and it can for you to only if you choose to start looking. Like for instance, a plant starts from a seed and grows up into a beautiful creation. Another is in people. Whatever people may be doing in their life they tend to strive to be better than that other person or just having a passion to learn more and to get better by growing in their field of whatever they may be doing. The same is in your journey for truth if you so choose it. This will start raising your consciousness level and awareness to a higher one. This will progress your spiritual evolution towards expanding your knowledge of who you really are and who created you. Doing this will make you grow to become more like the creator and what his purpose was in creating. Knowledge is power!
If you may for example believe that the sky is purple than that is your personal belief in your current understanding of reality, and that is fine, and I am to uphold your current truth and except your understanding of it to be true to you because I would expect the same from you. Even though I look up into the sky and see blue that’s my view of my reality. Reality is a belief. So the key here is to respect a people’s view point. But there are exceptions to a person’s view. There are universal laws that need to be upheld. One of them is to love your neighbor and your enemy as yourself and not to hurt or kill anyone. We are divine beings because the maker has created us in his image and your material form which is energy is your temple. You should treat your temple with love and respect and the same for others as well. A deeper truth and understanding of this is when you are not at peace with yourself or someone else, it tends to cause dis-ease in you. When you feel sad or angry you become these things and it starts hurting you physically and spiritually. You could go a step higher in that truth by saying for example on how you should listen to your feelings and learn to understand them - let’s say if you walk into a room with a fight going on and there are people hollering back and forth. What are you felling in that moment? Well it would probably make you feel bad inside, like something is weighing you down or you feel like the energy is being pulled right out of you. You need to learn to know how these feelings work, and in knowing, you can begin to catch them and change their outcome to a positive one. This will begin to change your life experience and that will make you feel like you are being lifted up and pull of energy and life. This helps to heal the body, mind and spirit. If you can learn to change bad feelings to positive ones you will start seeing a difference and you may notice that you will start attracting more of that positive energy to you. In order to not hurt your temple you must first learn to love and except yourself as a divine being of infinite possibilities.
So what is reality? I think that we create our own reality, through the thoughts and the mass thoughts of this world. If you where to break everything down, it would be turned into energy and energy is the material for creating. If you think you can’t do anything or go anywhere than that is where you will go nowhere. You can look at a table and see it as a solid object and believe it as truly solid, but that is only your current understanding of what is real to you in what you believe. But if you have the will to look closer, it is actually moving energy and massive amounts of space. So with that said your thoughts are energy as well and by using those thoughts you can begin to create what happens in your life. But don’t worry if you are feeling down or thinking bad thoughts, as long as you can recognize them and try to change them, not letting them build inside of you; a positive thought is ten times greater than a negative one. The last thing that I would like to add is this: the key to it all is knowledge and love. And I freely offer my knowledge not to force it on anyone.
What you must experience to know spirituality
10 years ago